Archive for April, 2011

Authors on my blog

Right now Im not that ready to have authors on my blog becauseim still a little new to wordpress and I need to get more information on having an author on your site.

Plinky is a new moshling thatcame to monstro city and the way you can catch hin is to complete secret moshi mossopn three.

Plinky is only availble to members.

About Plinky:

The Daily Growl

Inside Info On Plinky! Posted by Roary Scrawl on April 10, 2011

Are you ready for this? Buster Bumblechops stopped by The Daily Growl office today and gave me the inside info on Plinky, the Squeezy TinkleHuff. I just HAD to share it with all of you!


Accordion to experts, these squeezy-wheezy musical Moshlings like nothing more than having their keys tickled as they boing up and down, puffing out merry tunes and waltzing around town. But don’t push their buttons – it makes ‘em hiccup out of tune!

Waltzing along, squeezing a song.

Long fingernails and bagpipes.

TinkleHuffs often busk in Polka Park but they originally come from Hurdy Gurdytown.